torsdag, januar 18, 2007

Small description in english

It has come to my attention that there are some readers (or whatever they might be) of this blog that don't have danish as their native language - even some champagne growers (who has narcissistically googled their own name?...). Which is the reason for these lines in english about this blog and the author behind it.
Simply put, it is a blog about a danish champagne freak and his special mania: champagne (you had figured that out already, right?). He charts his drinking habits (a couple of bottles of champagne a week or more - his doctor aren't too happy!), and writes about them (and sometimes about things that has little to do with champagne, but seems to point to a certain lack of maturity on the writer's part). He has no economic interests in the business - but his economy is highly affected by it. Though he likes champagne - and caviar and truffles and foie gras - his paycheck doesn't really reflect these hobbies. If it weren't for champagne this freak might actually own a car, a house, anything... (so obviously donations in the form of champagne bottles are accepted gladly!).
Besides the general love of champagne, one of the reasons behind this blog was to promote champagne as a drink that is more versatile than many people know. It is not just a drink for New Years Eve! - and actually quite good with many types of food.
Secondly one of the idées fixes of this blog is concerning the superiority of grower champagne - that is: champagne made by small, independent growers as opposed to the big brands (or grandes marques). It surprises this champagne freak that most wine writers seem to prefer the big company champagne to grower champagne - where I often find grande marque champagne unclean and sulphuric and lacking any sense of terroir - on top of which they are generally 25-50% more expensive than even grand cru grower champagne. I know of no other wine district where there is so little connection between price og quality.
This point of view, then, is heralded through the many wine reviews (again and again and again...) with that left wing love of the small and independent underdogs.
This left wing attitude (so difficult to reconcile with a love of champagne and luxury!) might also be the reason why this blog has not succumbed to M. Parker and his 100-point scale. In fact there is no points at this blog at all - but there is sort of a rating system consisting of from 0 to 3 stars. This is to be considered in the style of the Guide Michelin ratings - meaning that even one star is a sign of excellence (and champagnes without stars could still very well be pleasant). So if you are a wine grower who has seen your champagne on this blog with only one star attached to it, you might want to reconsider that hate mail or the horsehead delivered to/in the bed of a certain champagne freak who might not deserve it on this account...
When this champagne freak is not drinking champagne he is currently working with italian wines (which seems to be what the public wants). He has spend some (that is: seven) years at the University and even has a title to his name in the humanities department (of little use besides fostering those left wing attitudes...). He still reads a lot (though his memory seems to be decreasing rapidly - wonder why?), listen to classical music (even though he is only in his early thirties when you look at his birth certificate), and secretly believes in the truth of that famous Talleyrand quote about life before the revolution... So perhaps his freakishness is not just about the champagne?

If you have any comments or still want to send that hate mail you are welcome to comment directly on this post (or any other). Or you can send an e-mail directly to